One thing will save America, it is not the government. It is an awakening to God.

America is destined for another great move of the Spirit but the devil does not want it to happen. However we have tools to defeat him, just like you have garden forks to uproot the your weeds. But if we don't pick them up and put them to work, thistles, dandelions and clover will spring up and choke the life out of your flowers. That's when you have to rise up and take authority in prayer over forces that try to stop the move of His Presence.

The First Great Awakening created the system of American education. Ivy League colleges in the East Coast began as ministerial training schools.Harvard was formed in 1636 and was thoroughly Christian. It's mission statement began with, " Let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed that the main end of life and study is to know God and His Son, Jesus Christ...." Connecticut Puritans began Yale in 1701 to give youth a "religious education so that leaders for the churches should not be lacking..." Most grade schools and universities were patterned like this until after the Civil War.

So what is our part now to see America wake up? It starts with prayer. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 instructs us to "First of all then I urge that supplications, prayers, intercession and giving of thanks be made for al men, for kinds and all who are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence." Lift up your leaders before family, friends or finances. You will be glad you did, if you want to live in peace, no matter who you voted for.

We were in a meeting in Tulsa, OK, in 1989 when East German Pastors were speaking right after the fall of the Berlin Wall. They said if they had not decided to walk in love and pray for the communists who treated them so cruelly, that the wall would have never come down. When you walk according to His Word, even when it goes against your feelings, God prevails.