The dividing line of the Bible is John 10:10, "I have come to give you life and that more abundantly; the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy." When you are in unity with Jesus, it is going to bring abundance to your life, family, finances and future. But the enemy does not want this to happen, his modus operandi is division, death and destruction. If he can lure you away from the Bible, prayer and church, a spark that jumps out of the fire goes out. One couple who started a church with the pastors 20 years ago were so on fire for the Lord. As the years went by their business grew more prosperous. They decided to move their factory 60 miles away and move with it, but no church. Slowly their passion for Jesus started to wane until they were divorced and bankrupt. However a second couple came into the church down and out, sat under the word of God for six months and beyond. Their lives and marriage were totally revitalized and restored. #theloveofGod #abundantlife