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There was a lady on an overseas trip that got so engrossed in her quiet time with the Lord that she missed breakfast in the hotel where she was staying. But while she was in her room, a horrific terror attack took place in the hotel restaurant where she was supposed to eat. If she had not lost track of time, she would have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. But she was led to linger in His presence that morning. She put her time with the Lord first over eating breakfast.

You will always be dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High if you include Jesus in your schedule. You can be responsible and be led at the same time, just make sure it is the Spirit leading you. If you are always late for work because you are “led by the Spirit” to be doing something else, you can expect to be fired. When the Lord is leading you, you will have good success and victory.

I remember driving home from our friend’s ranch in central California one day. We had had a great time with them, and my husband Keith was driving and our son David was fast asleep in the back seat. All of a sudden a tire fell off the fifth wheel trailer we were next to. It started heading at us, and turned horizontal towards the windshield as if it would smash through the glass and kill us both. At that moment I cried out “Jesus help us! Jesus Jesus! “All of a sudden it was like an angel lifted us up in the air, the tire went under the engine, and we were literally carried off safely onto the center median of the freeway. We got out of the car stunned on how God’s protection saved us from an untimely accident.

His Name is above every name.  If you can only remember the Name of Jesus when a crisis hits you, shout it out. Your bold declaration will save you from any situation. Trust in the Lord’s protection, pray a line or two from Psalms 91 and watch the Lord direct you. “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you….”