
Do you have other peoples’ criticisms and judgments hanging in the back of your mind like dirty laundry? That indicates you are thinking about the current problem, not the answer. Someone might hurl insults at you at work, or you have a relative that verbally trashes you at every opportunity. But when you allow the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ to rise up in you, nothing can keep you down. You might BE down but when you meditate on the power of His word within you, it explodes all barriers to faith inside of you.

That’s what Paul did when the viper jumped out of the fire and bit his hand. The Apostle was busy gathering sticks to make a fire and dry his clothes when a poisonous snake, driven out of the flames, suddenly laid hold on his hand. But Acts 28:1-5 says Paul simply shook it off into the fire and “suffered no evil effects…” We have to do the same when situations try to bite us – we need to be bold and shake it off. Whatever troubles you from the past, shake it off. God has a great plan for your future. There is no room for the snakebites of the past, even if it was yesterday.