When Peter and John told the beggar they didn’t have any money to give him but
what they DID have was the Name of Jesus. “Rise up and walk!” was their
prescription for his healing. It was up to the beggar to stay where he was, where he
had sat in squalor for years or to take the anointing on those words and get up.
When the Lord speaks to you, it can be so simple that you can easily miss it.
Remember in 1 Kings where the Lord spoke to Elisha, “Not in the wind or the rain,
but in a still small voice.’ That is the sound of the voice that will lead, guide ad direct
you. Sit in His presence, be brave, be strong, and don’t give up. Expect God to get
where you are soon.
Come and join us Thursday and Friday at the Arise Newport Beach Conference, Feb
1-3. Both nights are free and our theme for 2018 is Sound Waves. Hear what God
has planned for you this year! Ariseconferences.com. We would love to see you there.