Did you know you are actually a speaking spirit? The smallest particle in the Universe is not an atom, proton or neutron, it is called a Quark. And actually, what a Quark is, is a sound wave. So when Ps 4:3 says “He listens the split second I call to Him,” means God connects with your voice the moment He hears you. Have you ever noticed that when you have lost something and you ask the Holy Spirit where it went, that sooner or later it will turn up? He hears and responds to your voice. He knows where every particle in the world is. And your voice is the connector, it is the most elemental part of you.
If you strung a person’s DNA out onto a wave chart, it would actually be a song, individual and unique, unlike any other person’s. So what songs have you been singing lately to the Lord? Thankfulness, appreciation, encouragement? Doubt, failure, disappointment? God is a good God and all good things come down from the Father of Lights. Sing songs, speak words that line up with His Word, and watch your prayers be answered.Your pattern of vibrations are unique to you: Let 2018 be the year where they flow even more harmoniously with Him.