‘When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him….” Is 59:19 KJV
There is only one group of people who can restore values in the USA: It is the body of Christ answering their wake-up call. When you get up at 3:45 am to catch a 6 am flight out of your hometown, you can’t dilly dally in bed waiting for the second snooze alarm. You have to turn off that clock on your phone and leap out of bed.
If you want to be on that airplane, there is not a moment to lose. As Americans face seemingly overwhelming threats from North Korea, Iran and other groups who want to destroy the fabric of American society, you have the spiritual authority to silence the storm. The time is now to wake up and take your place spiritually. When the enemy shows himself strong, it takes a praying church that knows who they are in Christ to take him down.
When Colossians 1:27 says, “Christ in you, the hope of glory,’ we add to that, “help yourself.” Christianity is not a spectator sport. If you are going to see victory in this or any situation in your life, you can’t depend on education, experience, personality or past works. Your entire source is the Holy Spirit if you really want to be a man or woman of God. Begin taking more time to listen to him; any time of the day or night you can be in the spirit of prayer, walking quietly before God, taking your stand against demonic forces. Millions of people worldwide are diligent and disciplined in their devotion to false gods. Even though these people live in darkness and are spiritually blind, they put many Christians to shame by their devotion and consecration. But only the true and living God answers prayer. And because He is the only One who can help, we come to Him in faith. He is waiting to hear from you today.
The testimonies of women delivered from bondage continue to pour in from the past 45 plus Arise Conferences that have been held over the last 11 years. Women have risen up to leadership in their communities with a passion and a fire to change culture and hearts in their own hometowns. Join with us to educate and renew the minds of shelter women we are bringing to the Maui meeting October 5-7. Our theme this year is “radiant”, as in Eph 5:25-28 msg, “’Christ’s love makes the church whole. His words evoke her beauty. Everything he does and says is designed to bring the best out of her, dressing her in dazzling white silk, radiant in holiness.”
If you would can help us bring these women up to victory in their lives, our $9000 educational budget is already down to $7500. Whatever the Lord leads you to do will be a great blessing in their lives and yours.