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Hezekiah became king of Israel at 25 and immediately had to face the armies of Syria bent on destroying his nation. Fortunately this king took a sharp turn away from previous rulers and followed the Lord. “Hezekiah put his whole trust in the God of Israel. There was no king quite like him, either before or after. He held fast to God, never loosened his grip – and obeyed to the letter everything God had commanded Moses. And God, for His part, held fast to him through all his adventures.” 2 ki 18:5-6 msg.

God will stick by you today no matter what you are going through if you wholly trust in Him.  We attended Pastor Jerry Zirkle’s church in Tulsa, OK, in the late 80ties. Pastor Jerry relied on prayer and encouraged his congregation to pray with him in the sanctuary every morning at 6 am.  He used to admonish people not to be “Holy Ghost Junior.” Once you have prayed, he said, leave it with the Lord, and don’t keep repeating it.  Start thanking and praising God before you see the answer.

The threats Hezekiah endured from the Syrian King were vicious. Not only were the Syrians planning to destroy Jerusalem, they were going to wipe out the whole country. It was sort of like pre-fight banter between McGregor to Mayweather before the Irishman was soundly defeated in last week-end’s battle.

But what will bring your victory is you communicating with God.  It worked for Hezekiah. When he realized what he was up against, he “went to the Temple .. and spread the letter before God. And Hezekiah prayed – oh how he prayed!”  (2 Kings: 14-15) And the Lord answered his prayer by sending an angel who massacred 185,00 Assyrians in one night.

Now I don’t know how God is going to answer you, but it is up to you to lay your heart before Him. He IS a God who will always stand by you no matter what, if you will take the time to pray with passion.