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“So be content with who you are and don’t put on airs. God’s strong hand is on you. He will promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God, He is most careful with you….” 1 Peter 5:6-7 MSG

Sometimes we are so caught up in doing everything perfectly by ourselves, it is like we have spiritual OCD. But what the Lord is saying here is relax, release the weight of your problem, cast your care on me.  And what is so interesting about that is vrs 6, where in the KJV version it reads, “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God…..” Humility is not wearing a hair shirt and being beaten by whips until your back is bleeding.  No, they might have thought that was really spiritual to do that in the Middle Ages, but God is saying here you are seriously flowing with Him when you allow Him to take the care, worry, concern OFF of your mind and put it onto His. To do this means you really have to be open to His perfect will in your life, which is exactly what humility is. Pride is when you close yourself OFF to listening to the Lord for solutions, and saying “I can do this MY way.” Your way without God’s way can lead into no way. Make sure you are releasing all your issues on Him and don’t even think about picking them back up again. The enemy will try to hang these situations in front of you like dirty laundry but keep the fact in your mind that the greater one lives in you and he keeps you clothed in clean garments as you keep your ear attuned to the heavenlies.